搜索 Nathalia

  •   Centers on a teenage Hardin, who is navigating his first love.
  • <p>  这个年轻的家庭搬到市郊的一个新公寓,为他们刚出生的女儿雇了一个保姆。在得到信任后,晚上的保姆吓坏了婴儿和长子埃戈尔,后者正试图告诉父母保姆的奇怪行为,但他们不相信他。为了让父亲冷静,他安装了监控摄像头,但一切正常,没有发现任何可疑之处。一旦埃戈尔回家,他就找不到保姆或小妹妹。但家长们正处于一种奇怪的恍惚状…
  • 1983. Gladys is a 32-year-old woman who lives in the poor and "politically conflictive" ghetto of "La Victoria" in Santiago, Chile, in the middle of the right-wing military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. She resides with her mother and her young daughter, and they receive a North American mission…
  • The history is initiated in August of the 2002, in a meeting where Nicolas Petrov reads the sentence emitted by the Pan-American Cut of Human Rights, situated in Costa Rica, by means of which all State Venezuelan is ordered to compensate the relatives and victims of the events of February 27, to perform an effective in…
  • Powerful meditation about old age. This is one of the most beautiful films about old age. It tells the story of a man who, after many working years, finally retires. He thinks he'll enjoy life from now on, but the opposite proves to be the truth. He feels he has no place in a world of youth any longer. So he chases the…
  • 庄园之梦
    根据巴西作家卡洛利娜·纳布科的小说《庄园之梦》改编。 妩媚多情的大家闺秀玛丽娜违心地与表兄订了婚。后来她与年轻的工业家罗贝托一见钟情,就与表兄解除婚约,随罗布托来到首都定居。婚后玛丽娜总觉得自己比不上罗贝托的前妻阿莉塞,从而郁郁寡欢,神经出了毛病,离家出走,回到了昔日的庄园。罗贝托赶来,在医生的建议下,偕玛丽娜去欧洲旅…
  • 海外剧喜剧
  • 提多是一个有着足球天赋的12岁男孩,他和姐姐,父亲一起生活。他的 父亲曾经是一家足球俱乐部的球员,因为一次意外事故受伤而结束了足球生涯,以销售球衣和体育用品为职业。对于提多来说,父亲是自己的足球导师,他的足球理想带来了自信和快乐,但是为了实现这个理想,提多又不得不面对辍学的可能,可他本来是一个成绩优异热爱学习的孩子。某天…
  • Tati and Renet were already trading pics, videos and music by their cell phones, and on the last school trip they started making eye contact. However, what could be the beginning of a love story, turns to an end.