搜索 Natour

  • 故事发生在巴勒斯坦,一个名叫贾法尔(赛森·加百 Sasson Gabai 饰)的渔夫拾得了一头体型巨大的猪,在贾法尔的宗教信仰里,猪是罪恶和肮脏的化身,为了解决这罪恶,他决定将这头罕见的奇猪卖掉。然而,贾法尔的朋友们却并不这么想,剃头匠劝贾法尔利用这个机会成名大赚一笔,农妇伊莲娜(马里亚姆·特凯亚 Myriam Tekaïa 饰)却坚持要让头…
  • NCT 127が、現在開催中の日本アリーナツアー<NCT 127 Arena Tour ‘NEO CITY : JAPAN - The Origin’>の最終公演を「dTV(R)」で生配信することが決定した。<NCT 127 Arena Tour ‘NEO CITY : JAPAN - The Origin’>はNCT 127にとって自身初となる日本アリーナツアー。今回生配信されるのは、チケットが完売となっている2月24日(月・…
  • About a Palestinian girl of 17 who wants to get married to the man of her own choosing. Rana wakes up one morning to an ultimatum delivered by her father: she must either choose a husband from a preselected list of men, or she must leave Palestine for Egypt with her father by 4:00 that afternoon. With ten hours to find…
    此前,Seventeen作为嘉宾出演了“出差十五夜”,并以许愿券进行了游戏。当时圆佑和Dino写了Seventeen出演《花样青春》的愿望,DK抽到了相关的愿望券,获得了《花样青春》的出演权。9月8日曝出在罗马拍摄。10月5日曝出此次节目标题是《一起去吧,Nana Tour with Seventeen》
  • The story of a tragic case of mistaken identity unfolds as the FBI detains a Moroccan woman thought to be the wife of the lead terrorist in the Sept 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.