搜索 Nicolosi

  •   By the end of the 19th century, the last remaining seven of the vampire clans have spread over the whole of Europe. They are extremely hostile towards one another, but when modern times threaten their species with extinction, there is on…
  •   By the end of the 19th century, the last remaining seven of the vampire clans have spread over the whole of Europe. They are extremely hostile towards one another, but when modern times threaten their species with extinction, there is on…
  • 十八岁的阿涅丝与虔诚的母亲生活在一起,恪守当地教会纪律,誓保婚前处子之身。斯特凡诺二十五岁,年少时吃过不少苦,如今在毗邻吉普赛人聚居区的停车场当守卫。不仅工作艰辛,而且他的家人即将被驱逐出境,亟待他的帮助。对立立场的两人因命运的邂逅而擦出爱的火花,却不得不因此面临众多重要抉择。尤其是对阿涅丝来说,选择更加艰难。
  • When police artist Jack Whitfield (Fahey) learns about the serial killer that seems to be unstoppable, with no survivors, he's discouraged. But when he learns about an eyewitness survivor, Emmy O'Conner (Cox), things seem to unfold. What's the catch? The only surviving victim is blind. At first Jack is skeptical and al…
  • 这是一部针对恐怖电影里的俗套而大肆吐槽的伪预告片。比如有年轻人春假时候来到林中的小木屋,但他们果断选择去一个明亮的海滩度假。拉拉队辣妹约男孩去一间神经病院玩占卜板,青年斩钉截铁予以拒绝。小男孩走进阁楼,他却死活不打算释放困在画中的恶魔。朋友拿来诅咒录影带,号称谁看谁死,另一个哥们儿则迅速将其毁掉。某片海域出现嗜血狂魔,…
  • 动作片动作
    一种血液病毒感染一小组猎人,一对父子的结伴游因此演变成一场生存之战 ©豆瓣
  • Franjinha, o garoto inventor da Turma da Mônica, resolve ler gibis de outro jeito: com os quadrinhos em movimento. E inventa um grande liquidificador que engole gibis e projeta suas histórias nas telas dos cinemas.