- Mussolini's government, in addition to making the railroads run on time (and other items not so good), could also produce a movie on a lavish scale, including over 6000 extras in the battle scenes. A story of the Second Punic Wars, beginning with Scipio's futile pleas to the Roman Senate to build an army to battle Hann…
- 马切洛的记者身份,恰好得以展现上层社会各个层面、各个角度的虚无情绪,以及表面看来无比幸福甜蜜的生活。正如影片中的斯坦纳,马切洛在教堂里见到这位当年的老熟人,如今的名作家的时候,他在风琴前庄严地弹奏,神情间俨然志得意满;而马切洛和女友十分羡慕的知识分子家庭聚会和他们地幸福家庭,也在片刻之间成为人间悲剧。马切洛应该十分了解…