- 在经济高速发展的今天,人们执著于优渥的物质生活,而开始遗忘曾经的创痛。 广岛和长崎,两个曾遭受原子弹毁灭的城市,而今活跃在这里的年轻人们已经遗忘了半个多世纪前的战争和笼罩在祖辈头顶上空的蘑菇云。但对某一类人来说,这确是一段永生难忘的恐怖记忆。本片采访了经历过原爆的生还者,他们回忆了战争时期的生活、原爆的恐怖瞬间、爆…
- The sublime combination of music and animation strikes a fresh cord in Sound & Fury, a new anime feature from Grammy Award-winning recording artist Sturgill Simpson and writer-director Jumpei Mizusaki (Batman Ninja; founder, Kamikaze Douga). Set to stream globally on Netflix this fall, the film is set entirely to Ameri…