搜索 Oligny

  • The plot concerns a Montreal suburbanite who becomes obsessed with his award-winning lawn, which has become infested with a ground fungus. His neighbour across the street identifies the species as Amanita pestilens (not a real species, although Amanita is a real genus). The mushrooms prove impossible to eradicate, and …
  • 从1937年开始,克劳丁·阿莱尔·埃科雷(Claudineàl‘cole)是一部如此滑稽的喜剧,在巴黎西部雪佛兰谷的雪佛兰谷(Valley Of Chevreuse)上演了一出滑稽的喜剧:克劳丁赤身裸体地在河里游泳,睡在田野里的稻草里,走在山里,和农民一起看戏,还有许多老村庄里的老场景。在现场拍摄这些场景,是对三十年代生活方式的一种记录片和诗情画意的想象,尤…
  • This feature drama tells the story of Tom Paradise, a young 40-something refusing to grow up. Behind the wheel of his bus, he drives endlessly through the city dreaming of the landscape of the American West that forever impressed him. In love with freedom and Jack Kerouac's On the Road, he resists all the sensible peop…
  • 喜剧片生活
    生活美满幸福的小夫妻菲奥纳(菲欧娜·戈登 Fiona Gordon 饰)和多姆(多米尼克·阿贝尔 Dominique Abel 饰)是一对过着平静生活的乡村教师。两人平日里最大的乐趣来自他们的共同爱好:伦巴。痴迷伦巴的二人,经常在周未参加国内的舞蹈比赛,家里摆放着满满的奖杯。一夜,刚刚参加完比赛的菲奥纳和多姆正开车回家,然而一名企图自杀的男人突然冲…