- Fanni has had enough of money and leaves to buy a tent. Anna has had enough of pigs and leaves the farmer - one needle in the hay. In the new game Fanni rolls the dice while Anna does not think twice - she knocks down all the pins. Together they raise their voice and shape one mutual tune. Differences attract each othe…
- 第37季第3集 共和党候选人罗姆尼想要争取更多的选民,可是选民们问的最多的问题竟然是:“为什么新泽西州长Chris不参选?”本期主持人Ben Stiller,身为犹太人的他也不忘推销犹太人的节日和美味食物.....FOX采访了最近将奥巴马比喻成希特勒的Hank W Jr,而在休·杰克曼主持的“two sides”节目中,则请来了三位明星,其中就有Clint Eas…