- 《中央广播电视总台元宵晚会》是由中央广播电视总台制作播出的大型晚会。晚会涵盖歌曲、舞蹈、相声、小品、杂技、魔术等多种艺术形式,为观众呈现热闹纷呈、欢乐喜庆,同时饱含民俗气息的联欢晚会。晚会于每年的正月十五(元宵节)播出。
- The boys of the hood have finally fixed the studio that had been in their dreams. They are preparing for the talent competition and working on an arabesque rap dedicated to the brother to be released from the jail. The brother comes out, and yet he is stuck with the love story that he kept alive in his imagination. It …
- Mahmut and Abidin work as comedians at a night club, Mahmut is honest yet Abidin is sly. Sulo brings a deaf and dumb girl named Kumru, to working the night club, but the club owner sends her away, she in he sees that Kumru is deaf and dumb. Mahmut wants to help her and brings her to their house. She starts living with …