搜索 Pasupathy

  • Karthik (Vijay Antony) and Mellina (Sushma Raj) are two aspiring lawyers, who are in search of a house and case. Due to financial issues, they decide to share the same office without knowing that they are in the same profession. And when they realize it, all hell break lose and they are always at loggerheads. They get …
  • 马杜赖,这个城市生活在KTR的残暴统治下,人民生活不堪困苦,是谁站出来对抗恶势力,解救民众于水深火热? 他是一个市井小民,也是一个伟大的英雄,还是一个视生死与功名如粪土的真男儿,为了民众的生活与恶势力斗智斗勇,为了让家人能够平安,他隐瞒了一切以至于母亲对他怒颜相向,甚至大义灭亲,待一切尘埃落定,等待我们的又是什么呢? 故事…
  • The film set in 18th century is all about a group of people who steals from the wealthy to provide food and shelter for their tribe. Kombodhi (Pasupathy) is the gang leader and during one of his missions he meets the brave Varupuli (Aathi). He brings Varupuli to his village and a bond develops between the two. But Varu…
  • 剧情片生活