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  • 改编自托尔斯泰《伊凡·伊里奇之死》。关于导演:作为塔科夫斯基最好的学生、朋友和曾主演《潜行者》的前苏联著名演员Aleksandr Kaidanovsky来说,没有人能比他更了解老塔的电影创作理念了,然而他自己的作品却始终充满着奇异的幻想、超现实主义的意境和对政治隐含的讽刺,尽管在摄影风格上依然带有明显的塔式风格,但从故事和主题上却很不同,…
  • Gloomy postmodernism from the student of Tarkovski. I was really stressed by this film. It is very awesome and absurd story set in Kaliningrad. One can see a lot of ruined castles and 18-19th century German buildings here. You can also see the grave of Immanuil Kant and a lot of screened freaks. Atmospheric and cold su…
  • Great films don’t always need to be “great” films. They don’t have to be perfect or about important topics. Sometimes they can just simply be small, gentle films that tell their story with heartfelt sincerity, humor and warmth. Ziemassvēt…