搜索 Pavol

  • 阿尔卑斯山脉的旅游业正在蓬勃发展。在一次意外中死亡后,卡林作为不死族的一员回来了。在一家纳粹遗孀拥有的电影院里,她在那里哀悼过去,把死者复活。   在她长达666页的鬼小说《死者的孩子》中,埃尔弗里德·杰林克允许死者再次崛起——即使是那些拥有纳粹党徽和黄星的人,通常也很乐意 被遗忘。杰琳克的主题能否适应电影,更不用说她的语…
  • 《被出卖的新娘》历史上第一个有声电影版本,之前拍过两个默片版。这是一部歌剧电影,基本全唱,捷克经典歌剧的影像版。捷克作曲家斯美塔纳创作的3幕歌剧。作于1863年,1866年在布拉格首演,由作者亲自指挥。捷克作家C.萨比纳以捷克民族语言撰写脚本。剧情为:波希米亚乡村少女玛仁卡与穷苦青年叶尼克相爱,但玛的父亲欠债无力偿还,在媒人的迷…
  • 围绕90年代中期当红男星卢卡斯故事系列的收尾篇。
  • A dramatic story from the end of WW II and a remarkable contemplation of the value of true friendship, meaning and purpose of life or the possibility to be human even in inhumane conditions. In a frosty mountain setting a cruel struggle for life takes place. After a fight, two partisans return to their brigade carrying…
  • After expiation of an unfair sentence Zuzana is back home on probation and only Rony waits for her, the one, who got her in trouble. When she meets Juraj, a truck-driver and talented singer, she realizes it is an opportunity to start new life.
  • After The Assistant, The Southern Mail is the second novel of Ladislav Ballek to be adapted to the movie screen. It is setin a fictitious border town in the south of Slovakia shortly after WWII, when the new state borders were just drawn on the maps. The recollections of a forty-year-old author about.his childhood take…
  • 与Stefan Uher和Elo Havatta一样,Eduard Grecner也是60年代斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的缔造者之一。他的三部影片《一周七天》(1964)《尼绒月亮》(1965)和这部《徳拉克的回归》都是斯洛伐克新浪潮电影的代表作。本片和Stefan Uher的《网中的太阳》共同开启了斯洛伐克新浪潮的大门。