搜索 Perreault

  • 为了证明可以到达木卫二(木星的月亮),四名宇航员必须在地球外的空间站停留1000天。在此期间,地球上的一次重大地铁爆炸事故,让其中一位航空员的儿子受了重伤,顿时让所有人心中产生了焦虑和不安的感觉。此次经历进行一切正常,直到有一天他们所在的星球上发生了一些事情,情况发生了改变。航空员之间开始产生分歧,甚至受到成员的威胁。有人…
  • 剧情片惊悚
    故事讲述前海洛因瘾君子丹尼尔·莱格参与了一项毒品交易,以错误的理由为错误的人提供帮助。 当交易失败时,丹尼尔被扔进泰国监狱,并被判处100年徒刑。 当他试图在曼谷被监禁时幸存下来时,他被定罪的消息引起了环球邮报记者维克托·马拉雷克的注意,他决定追捕负责对丹尼尔进行错误指控的阴暗卧底警察。
  • 瑪莉是一位貧窮且沒受過教育的母親。她後來成為享譽國內的民謠歌手,全家人才因此不再受窮困所苦。影片不僅以20和30年代的金融危機作為背景,也描繪當時女性參政權的崛起。瑪莉崔佛絲波爾杜身為一名女性,該如何在演藝事業與家庭之間做出取捨?電影也帶出她和自己的大女兒德妮絲之間的動人故事。
  • Theo spends his 18th birthday alone, getting drunk at a brutal punk rock show. There, he meets Mag, a marginal teenager who invites him to spend the night at her place. A love story unfolds between them, but Theo has to move at the end of the summer in a small town, far away from a painful past
  • « Le Mirage » is the perspective of a man in his thirties asking himself "what am I chasing?" Our society has become all about consumerism, if not excess. Success is determined by what and how much we have and "stuff" b…
  • “BIANCA BEAUCHAMP ALL ACCESS 2: RUBBERIZED is a three day fetish fun ride with latex superstar Bianca Beauchamp (Playboy, Bizarre, Marquis, BBAA1) and three of her very good friends, The Richard (BBAA1), Jean Bardot (BBAA1, Playboy TV, Ski…
  • BB ALL ACCESS ONLINE REVIEWS"Candid look at a bubbly, fun-loving, sex-goddess-next-door. This girl knows how to have fun!" - BC Magazine"They're some impressive outfits to be seen. More artistic and explicit [than an] edition of E's Wild On series." - DVD Talk"Glossy fetish [and] gorgeously pho…
  • The film tells the story of a French Quebecker family at the beginning of the 1960s. Jacques Langevin (François Papineau) is a doctor and a father who lives in a suburb of Montreal with his family. In short, he's got everything to be happy…
  • 科幻片悬疑