搜索 Philharmonic
共找到“18”个结果Grammy Award-winning and chart-topping artist Billie Eilish will make her Disney debut with "Happier than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles," a cinematic concert experience.
A production of Bartok's one act opera 'Bluebeard's Castle' performed by the London Philharmonic Orchestra; conducted by Sir Georg Solti. Singers include: Sylvia Sass and Kolos Kovats; directed by Miklos Szinetar.
2002年,日本传奇视觉系摇滚乐队X JAPAN解散第五个年头。作为乐队灵魂人物的鼓手兼队长林佳树(Yoshiki),这个自幼学习古典音乐,却在体内藏着躁动与烈火的男人,举行了一场气质非同寻常的音乐会。音乐会以古典交响乐的方式呈现,包括《Say Anything》《Amethyst》《Forever Love》《The Last Song》等X时代经典抒情歌曲的交响乐版…