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  • 这部以1938年发生的事件为题材的故事片,讲述了捷克斯洛伐克总统爱德华·贝奈斯、政治家和普通公民为保护国家的独立和领土完整免遭纳粹德国入侵所做的徒劳努力。1938年3月29日,苏台德德意志人的领袖亨莱因与希特勒会面。希特勒命令他加大对捷克斯洛伐克政府施加的压力。4月24日,在卡尔斯巴德,苏台德德意志党向捷克斯洛伐克总统提出难以接受的…
  • Dr. Braun is forbidden to practice medicine because he's a Jew living in Nazi occupied Czechoslovakia. He's old, seems resigned about the fate of the Jews, and even works in the Department of Confiscation of Jewish Property. One day a neighbor asks him to assist a wounded political fugitive. Dr. Braun reluctantly opera…
  • Fifteen-year-old Lada Zeman fully justifies his nickname - "major" (obviously, in honor of his namesake, the hero of the detective series "30 cases of Major Zeman"). During the holidays, he, along with his girlfriend and younger friend, Janos, watches over an Austrian businessman who often comes to …