- Werther loves Charlotte, but she promised her mother on her deathbed that she would marry Albert. After the marriage Charlotte suggests that Werther should travel – but not forget her.Charlotte, unhappily married, has fallen in love with Werther through his letters. He returns unexpectedly; Charlotte sends him away. We…
- 多尼采蒂《玛丽·斯图亚特》是意大利作曲家葛塔诺·多尼采蒂(Donizetti Gaetano,1797—1848年)创作的歌剧作品。早在这部歌剧开始写作与首演之前,多尼采蒂就指望靠《玛丽·斯图亚特》造成轰动。但著名的编剧家罗马尼退出后,整个计划跟着走样。席勒的原剧巧妙地将复杂的政治阴谋与心理的挣扎结合成一体,但替代编剧的律师巴达里将整个悲剧简化…