- 该片讲述了一个牧羊少年因目睹一起杀人案,竟被人推下悬崖。一个平民在孤独的抗议,被当街射杀,尸体在流血,无人问津。正直的警察局长蓬纳维亚早就对法律的公正丧失信心,雇凶不成,就自己充当杀手,干掉了这一切罪恶的幕后黑手——一个名义上的地产承包商罗蒙诺。而自己在自首后,被买通的犯人在狱中杀害。
- 曾有过一次失败婚姻的上班族加贺美淳(安田显 饰)和第二任妻子千惠(荣仓奈奈 饰)已经结婚三年了,对他来说“三年之痒”近在眼前,他和妻子都必须好好考虑一下是否有必要继续维持这段婚姻。某晚下班回家,加贺美恐惧地发现千惠倒在血泊之中,但他很快发现,原来妻子在用这种方法逗他开心。原本以为只是一时兴起而为之,谁知此后每天千惠都要花…
- Sarah Devereaux, an up and coming lawyer for the Public Prosecutor's Office, was assigned to bring down one of the most notorious and ruthless gangland figures in the country, Charlie Mehigan. Compiling a dossier on him and his equally ruthless wife Helen, she found that she could only send Helen to prison, in the hope…