- 海底小纵队是一群活跃在海底的小小探险家,集结了巴克队长(北极熊)、皮医生(企鹅)、生物学家谢灵通(海獭)、摄像师达西西(腊肠狗)、机械工程师突突兔(兔子)、小队中尉呱唧(小猫)和章教授(章鱼)7名伙伴。在巴克队长的带领下,一直向着未知的海域不断探索前进!巴克队长和皮医生为了送小章鱼酷巴回家,结伴前往加勒比海。然而他们在…
- All aboard for Thomas' very first adventure! A little tank engine discovers a big new world when he arrives on the Island of Sodor. Escapades abound as Thomas explores his new home and meets some Really Useful new friends. Finding the true blue meaning of hard work and friendship, Thomas transforms into the Number 1 en…