搜索 Raditya

  • 充满诗意的影像,四个成长的段落,建构男孩成长的故事。身体欲望的觉醒,在追求男子气概的保守氛围下,痛楚难免。用身体舞动喜乐与爱恨、记载哀痛与自由,这是一个舞者的成长故事:故事发生在1980年代,Juno深深被爪哇的传统舞蹈凌雅所吸引,这种跨性别的舞蹈令他开始探索自身的性别认同。在成长的第二章节,他初尝身体犯禁的滋味和后果。到了最…
  • Guntur is a village boy with a great talent in badminton.In Banyuwangi, his village, he is used to playing with older kids. Meanwhile his dad, Tejo, does not only like badminton, he is even obsessed with the living legend of national badminton, Liem Swie King. His admiration to King since his youth turns into an obsess…
  • 泰国剧喜剧