搜索 Radziwilowicz

  • In 1978, Andrzej Wajda exhibited at the Stary Theater in Krakow - on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of regaining independence - a seven-hour spectacle-river, based on works by Young Poland and inter-war writers. The script combines fragments of texts by Michał Bałucki, Gabriela Zapolska, Jan August Kisielewski, Z…
  • 女主角西尔维是一个年轻的科学家,父亲五年前从火车上跌落而死。她兄弟保罗告诉她父亲是被他的左右手瓦尔瑟暗害的,如今瓦尔瑟是父亲生前那家高科技公司的总裁。西尔维一方面需要拯救她的兄弟,另一方面决定亲自杀死瓦尔瑟以报复。
  • After a period of dictatorial rule, an imaginary country finds itself in the middle of learning democracy. A., a fervent supporter of this new freedom, finds himself threatened with death by members of the old regime.
  • The violence and high drama of this film is taken directly from recent Polish history. On December 13, 1981 national security forces swoop down on unsuspecting workers of the Wujek mine and arrest a Solidarity leader. Pushed to the limits, the miners call a massive strike, which is specifically forbidden under the mart…