搜索 Resa

  • 这部影片是根据古巴作家温迪•格拉的同名自传体小说拍摄,小说已被译成五种语言出版。故事发生在80年代,古巴遭受最糟糕的经济危机时期。小雪,一名8岁的古巴女孩,卷入了她父母争夺她抚养权的激烈争斗中。她的母亲伊娃,一个坚信无审查制度无独裁主义改革的自由艺术家,改嫁给了丹,一个在核电厂做建筑工作的瑞典人。小雪的生父马努埃尔,一个…
  • 科幻片科幻
    美国公共电视网ABC于日前正式购得,讲述同志权益斗争的八小时迷你剧《当我们崛起》(When We Rise,暂译)。美国大导格斯·范·桑特将执导该剧两小时时长的首播集,《米尔克》编剧达斯汀·兰斯·布莱克则撰写本片剧本,这也是两人时隔8年后的再度合作。该剧目前已在紧锣密鼓地筹备中。
  • 战争片剧情
  • A comedy about a Polish family who is struggling with their libidos. Jadzia, though happily married to her husband, is having a serious affair with Roman. Meanwhile, her daughter Chala has lost her virginity to a neighbor and has become pregnant in the process. Family hijinx ensue.
  • 纪录片历史
    1997年,美国国家篮球协会成立了其女子部门,即WNBA。纽约自由队是这个新联盟中成立的第一支球队,由Rebecca Lobo和Kym Hampton等明星球员领衔。虽然她们在第一年就取得了巨大的成功,但她们和能力强、成绩好的女子篮球队一样,面临着从恐同症到性别歧视等等的不公对待,这些问题在2021年新赛季得到了更多关注。这部纪录片细致地展现了WNBA…
  • Summer Wishes, Winter Dreams is a 1973 film which tells the story of a New York City homemaker who rethinks her relationships with her husband, her children and her mother. The movie stars Joanne Woodward, Martin Balsam, Sylvia Sidney and Teresa Hughes, was written by Stewart Stern, and directed by Gilbert Cates.Summer…
  • 驾校老师汉斯今年44岁了,却还在和母亲一块住,爱情不顺的他,生活也处在失控边缘。当比他小一半的玛蒂尔达搬进他家附近时,汉斯内心深处被压抑的情绪被激发。他和他母亲之间的关系开始变得紧张,玛蒂尔达似乎也藏有自己的危险机密。在对玛蒂尔达疯狂痴迷的驱使下,汉斯构思了一个得到她的完美计划。
  • 剧情片生活
    该剧是一部奇幻悬疑惊悚剧,改编自日本推理小说《Repeat》,讲述10位获得重返时光的人穿越到一年前,陷入意想不到的命运的故事。\r\n  由《好运罗曼史》金京熙导演执导,李秀景编剧执笔,2020年3月首播。
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    David and Hannah Cashman have promised their family a fun Christmas getaway, but when they arrive at a grand, old house in the snowy woods of Washington and are greeted by familiar construction foreman, the kids realize their parent’s plan to make it a working vacation; renovating the place in the hopes of flipping it.…
  • On the cusp of adulthood, the world's longest running short film series is only getting started. Celebrate 20 years of 'Boys on Film' with the finest of gay short cinema. Bursting onto the scene, wide-eyed and keen, your first time with the boys was Hard Love. For a second you were In Too Deep - you dallied with the Am…