- The film chronicles three desperate days in a then impoverished lower Manhattan neighborhood, New York's skid row: the Bowery. It is the story of Ray (Ray Salyer), a railroad worker, who drifts on to the Bowery to have a drunken spree after a long bout of laying tracks and then falls in with a band of drunks who help h…
- 搖滾歌手John Winter出過許多暢銷專輯,過著酒池肉林的搖滾生活。遇上真愛Ella(蘇珊胡克飾演)之後,他放棄放蕩的日子,遵循健康飲食還練瑜伽提升心靈。這對經紀人Grobsch(德克波夏特)而言是噩耗。因為John過著幸福新生活,無法再創作暢銷歌曲。Grobsch派出音樂才女助理Lou(克莉絲汀娜多雷格飾演)重新帶壞John,期盼他趕緊回歸搖滾歌手…