- 数十年前的经典角色系列“宇宙巨人”现推出创新动作动画剧集《宇宙巨人:启示录》,以继续讲述伊特尼亚星之战的故事。在本剧中,战斗将愈发白热化。在太空超人和骷髅王展开殊死对决后,伊特尼亚星分崩离析,辉克堡的守护者也失散各地。数十年的秘密令他们分离,只能靠蒂拉让这支四散的英雄队伍重新团聚,并争分夺秒揭开失踪的神剑之谜,以重建伊…
- In 1968 the young Rick travelled down the Pacific Coast Highway to the Mexican border and beyond. 50 years later he retraces his steps from San Francisco to Mexico enjoying unique dishes and meeting chefs.
- 当Alex, Marty Gloria和Melman几个主角还在非洲悠闲度日(从《马达加斯加:逃往非洲》后),四只企鹅(首领Skipper, 智囊Kowalski, 最年轻的Private和最疯狂的Rico)已经回到了纽约中央动物园,并在此地执掌管理大权。与此同时他们还要执行各种秘密任务,时不时地他们就要从动物园逃出来执行任务。 正当这一队企鹅觉得自己已经运筹帷幄之际,新…
- A powerful new play about making a stand.Jess has a great life: a job she loves, a sharp sense of humour and a close group of friends.When austerity threatens the world she has worked hard to build, Jess makes a stand to protect those she holds most dear.Inspired by real life experiences of disabled people in the UK, A…