搜索 Roby

  • Zzyzx, the road, may lead to nowhere, but three people find themselves baking in a desert of murder, mystery, manipulation and greed when the legendary road becomes the place where their destinies collide.
  • Two young men wanting to make a porno movie raise money from their family and friends by claiming that they're making a religious film. Complications ensue when the porno is a hit.
  • Four thirty-something New Yorkers with various eating disorders lean on one another for support in this dark and poignant comedy that chronicles their romantic and personal lives. Sam is a neurotic commitment-phobic stock broker recovering from compulsive overeating; Adam is a bulimic NYPD cop; Dan, who works as a writ…
  • Lianna and her husband Dick has been married for a few years but the mariage isn't a happy one, since Dick treats her with arrogance...
  • 十九世纪的洛杉矶,总督路易斯.伯拿莎利奥(Jude Farese 裘德•弗雷斯 饰)专横跋扈,鱼肉乡民,在其残酷统治之下的百姓叫苦连天,哀鸿遍野。居住在城里的贵族青年唐•迪亚哥(Douglas Frey 道格拉斯•弗雷 饰)是一名正义感十足的剑术高手,他不满总督的行径,决心化身侠客惩恶扬善。白天迪亚哥是娇柔华贵的贵族公子,晚上则变成帅气潇洒的侠客…
  • 珍妮對大學老師賈斯汀非常愛慕,對他作出各種挑逗,終於他們發生了性關係…。珍妮在街上被警察發現,身上的傷痕引起懷疑與追查,演變成起訴賈斯汀的強姦案。在父親的影響下,珍妮作出不利供詞,使得賈斯汀被判有罪。回去的珍妮突然醒悟到真相,強姦與外傷原來都是變態的父親所為…
  • 剧情片剧情
    荣获了诸多荣誉和奖章的本·马高(丹泽尔·华盛顿 Denzel Washington 饰)当年曾是一名海军陆战队上尉,第一次海湾战争期间,他所在的小分队夜晚执行搜查任务时遭到伏击,凭借战友雷蒙德·萧中士(利夫·史列巴 Liev Schreiber 饰)的机智与果敢,整个小 队最终化 险为夷,失去知觉的本也多亏雷蒙德才死里逃生。十年后,本在无数个场合讲过这段…
  • 年少时,史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格曾和父亲一起观看新泽西的流星雨,从那一刻起,他就产生了创作《第三类接触》的想法。1964年,年仅18岁的斯皮尔伯格自编自导了科幻长片《火光》,他在16岁时完成了该片剧本,而拍摄经费只有区区600美元,该片让斯皮尔伯格第一次取得了商业成功,在一家 影院上映之后,斯皮尔伯格净赚100美元。值得一提的是,《火光》…