- 乔(崔·帕克 Trey Parker 饰)是一名虔诚的摩门教神父,即将和恩爱的女友丽萨(Robyn Lynne Raab 饰)携手步入婚姻的殿堂。可是,众所周知,结婚需要一大笔钱,这对于囊中羞涩的乔来说是他目前所面临的最大难题。一次偶然中,乔误打误撞闯入了三级片拍摄现场,并且被导演相中想要让他下海演戏,面对导演开出的高额片酬,乔心动了。在拍摄的过程…
- The usual business trip of businessman Maxim and journalist Liza is interrupted by a sudden attack of thugs. Bandits seize Maxim and Lisa and demand ransom for them. Negotiations are going well, but at some point the deal breaks down, and with it the prisoners last hope for a quick return home. They are sitting in the …