- Ethan is a young, shy and rather reserved designer who has suffered from insomnia for many years due to his terrible nightmares. Believing he has a personality disorder he decides to see a therapist to solve his problem, but it will be thanks to the help of his best friend and a medium that he will face a long journey,…
- 辛巴达想要成为一个考古学教授。但是他的工作被他爱人的爸爸偷走了。所以他成为了一个贼,偷窃有考古价值的东西。在寻找到一块绿宝石之后,他的生命处在了危机之中,因为这块绿宝石很可能就是美杜莎之心(古希腊位蛇发三女怪之一)。他打开了咒诅封条,并释放了3个愤怒的灵界怪物,她们要杀了他和所有人类。另一面,一个俄罗斯交易商也在寻找它…
- Death Drive is an exploration of the self-destructive tendencies in gay male sexuality utilizing the mediums of independent film, pornography, and dance to create a highly unique work of experimental film that transcends genre, gender, and expectation. Set in the desert of California, spanning from Palm Springs to Las …
- KnightRiderisa2008televisionfilmwhichwascreatedtoserveasabackdoorpilotforthenewKnightRidertelevisionseries,arevivaloftheseriesofthesamenamewhichairedduringthe1980s.ThisfilmdoesnotrefertoeithertheKnightRider2000filmortheTeamKnightRidertelevisionseries.