- 10,000 BC is a British reality social experiment series follows 20 British people from all walks of life as they go back to the conditions of the Stone Age and try to survive two months in the wilderness. The candidates were prepared and monitored by Klint Janulis, an archaeologist and survival expert.
- 坎城柏林金獎導演Henri-Georges Clouzot,1964年曾開拍一部號稱預算無上限的傳奇電影,但始終無人得以一窺全貌。在導演Serge Bromberg鍥而不捨地追尋下,塵封四十餘年的秘密終於面世,萬花筒般的影像瑰麗絕倫,充滿實驗性,至今看來依舊前衛。片中芳齡二十六歲的羅美雪妮黛(Romy Schneider),曾被譽為世上最美的女人,與亞蘭德倫的一段情,更…