搜索 S·别奇立兹

  • An unsuccessful attempt of a lonely guy to change his pointless life. In search for a job and money he falls in love with a girl next door believing that she will change his life. At the high point of his illusion she walks away with the money he's borrowed from a friend and leaves him even more miserable than he was b…
  • 老船长的女儿安妮采与造船木工伊伏相爱。老船长嫌伊伏穷,要把女儿嫁给一个从美洲归来的富翁聂柯为妻。一天,伊伏手持利斧要砍夺妻仇敌聂柯时,伊伏的妈妈叶莲赶到,夺下利斧,告诉儿子,这聂柯就是他的生父。20年前他强暴了叶莲后去了美洲。叶莲求聂柯让伊伏与安妮采相爱,遭到拒绝。后来当聂柯要加害伊伏时,旧仇新恨涌上心头,叶莲抡起利斧砍…
  • A German avenging expedition passes through a Serbian village. The only survivors are a villager and his calf. The man and the animal run away and start their journey full of dangers and set-backs. This grim and symbolic war story finds a poor man and his calf left to wander the countryside after his master is killed b…