搜索 Sachs

  • Neurologist and writer Dr Oliver Sacks has made the study of the human brain his life's work. His many acclaimed books (including The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Awakenings), are filled with the compelling stories of his patients. "Although I seem to talk about illness and damage and problems, my real t…
  • A biographical study of Albert Einstein, with not only an analysis of his place in modern physics and in our understanding of the universe, but an analysis (through his and his wife's letters) of Einstein as a person. Never comfortable with human inter-relationships, he married first for love and the spoken intent to m…
  • 本片为法国2000年新拍的喜剧,表现的是法国普通百姓的真实生活,自然生动,情节紧 凑,轻松愉快,主题健康向上,值得一看。让娜是一名出租车女司机。丈夫是一个工厂的技 术员。他们有三个孩子。两个上中学,其中的女儿正在准备参加高中会考,小儿子还在上小 学,两口子每天工作忙忙碌碌,回家后还要做饭,关心孩子们的学业,他们的生活虽然并不…
  • 這是一部關於“愛”與“友情”的動畫片,一些發生在布娃娃安妮和玩具熊泰迪間的溫馨故事。安妮和泰迪在聖誕夜後被遺棄,於是開始浪跡天涯。他們沒有了小主人,沒有了家,擁有的只是彼此。他們能不能找到一個願意愛他們的孩子?一個願意接納他們的溫暖新家? 這一路上的冒險故事,又帶給他們什麼樣的啟示與感動呢……?
  • ◆剧情介绍:来自特拉维夫三十岁的Golan,本应与豪门之女结婚成为大企业行政总裁的幸运儿。可是,他对花花世界的少女们仍充满好奇和欲望,希望如尝雪糕般与不同类型的少女搭上,从中寻找爱的感受。就在不断寻觅的勾搭中,他遇上意想不到又行为古怪的少女,原来她是好朋友的妹妹,令他尝到可谓真实生活的爱情。◆幕后制作:一部非一般以色列青春…
  • 恐怖片恐怖
    萨曼莎(凯特·玛拉 Kate Mara 饰)是某高中校报的记者,她因报道校队的丑闻而被列入禁止参加返校节的黑名单,她的两位好友金娜和明迪(Olesya Rulin 饰)也一同遭殃。三个女孩无所事事,聚在一起讲故事打发时光。她们先是讲述了1969年盐湖城一个名叫玛丽的乖乖女被校队成员杀害的传说,随后又提到了恐怖的“血腥玛丽”。在此之后,三个女孩神秘…
  • Zoe Clairmont, star of the hit TV show "Sweet Angels", is being stalked by her ex-boyfriend, so she hires Night Eyes Security guard Will to protect her. Complicating matters are the schemes of her jealous co-star, business rivalry from a competing security agency hoping to put Night Eyes out of business, and …
  • DerKaiservonDeutschland,derKaiservonÖsterreichundderKönigvonSachsenamTagederJubiläumsfeierinDresden
  • 13岁的Karla和Jonas是好朋友。Jonas是一名被领养的男孩,Karla为此很同情他。受一个电视节目启发,Karla决定帮助她的好友,陪他踏上了一条充满刺激和危险的大城市寻亲之路。