- 从上世纪50年代开始,Vivian Maier就在工作之余用一台Rollei双反相机拍摄街景,直至2009年逝世,她一共留下了超过10万张胶片,完整记录下芝加哥、纽约和巴黎在过去40年中的变迁。Vivian Maier的作品直到2007年才被人们发现,她的照片敏锐而直率地捕捉到人们所流露出的情感,城市化进程所带来的变化、不同宗教和文化群体的种种境遇,也被她记录在…
- William Klein has lived many lives. One of the world's most influential photographers, he pioneered the art of street photography and created some of the most iconic fashion images of the 20th century. He also made over twenty films, including the first ever documentary about Muhammad Ali and a brilliant satire of the …
- Neurologist and writer Dr Oliver Sacks has made the study of the human brain his life's work. His many acclaimed books (including The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Awakenings), are filled with the compelling stories of his patients. "Although I seem to talk about illness and damage and problems, my real t…
- 安塞姆·基弗(Anselm Kiefer),1945年生于德国, 上世纪80年代“新表现主义”代表画家之一。70年代师从约瑟夫·博伊斯(德国),深受其影响。 纳粹主义的失败使得战后的德国更为迫切地需要重树民族的信心和历史的图像,新表现主义画家安塞姆·基弗在他的作品里渗透着对德意志的民族精神和浪漫主义传统的重新挖掘,其中既包含了对于历史的反思,…
- To mark David Bowie's comeback album and a new exhibition at the V&A, Alan Yentob looks back at his legendary 1975 documentary, Cracked Actor. The film follows Bowie during the Diamond Dogs tour of 1974.Alan Yentob says "I'd caught him at what was an intensely creative time, but it was also physically and emotiona…
- With performances from Peter Capaldi, imagine... marks the 500th anniversary of Machiavelli's notorious book The Prince. Famous for lines like 'It is better to be feared than loved', The Prince has been a manual for tyrants from Napoleon to Stalin. But how relevant is The Prince today, and who are the 21st century Mach…
- 故事是关于一位理性主义的摩登藏族创业青年丹增,他一心想开出一家尼泊尔最棒的咖啡馆。正当他全力以赴地追求他的梦想时,丹增突然被一些反复出现的诡异恶梦和幻觉纠缠,他的朋友和预言者都警告这是死亡临头的噩兆。得道的先知和古籍建议,只有找到一位空行母才能拯救他的性命,否则将在七日内丧生。丹增将这些预言和建议视做愚蠢的迷信。但无论…
- 从上世纪50年代开始,Vivian Maier就在工作之余用一台Rollei双反相机拍摄街景,直至2009年逝世,她一共留下了超过10万张胶片,完整记录下芝加哥、纽约和巴黎在过去40年中的变迁。Vivian Maier的作品直到2007年才被人们发现,她的照片敏锐而直率地捕捉到人们所流露出的情感,城市化进程所带来的变化、不同宗教和文化群体的种种境遇,也被她记录在…