- 本片作为英雄联盟官方动画剧集,讲述的是在充满蒸汽朋克气息的乌托邦-皮尔特沃夫和由化学品驱动的地下城-祖安中,蔚和金克丝两姐妹,她们在一场激烈的冲突后发现两个人站在了彼此的对立面。她们从此分开,走上不同的道路,朝着不同的命运终点走去,但心中的羁绊又无时不刻 地让姐妹二人想要破镜重圆
- From filmmakers of Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, this film goes beyond the headlines of the Ghislaine Maxwell case to tell the story of Epstein's mystery accomplice, illuminating how her class and privilege concealed her predatory nature.
- More animated adventures at the school for ghouls, where Frankie Stein and her friends want to put the monster back into Halloween. After being told for years that Halloween was a time for monsters to remain indoors and avoid any potential conflicts with the 'normies', Frankie and her gang of ghoulfriends are determine…
- 本片作为英雄联盟官方动画剧集,讲述的是在充满蒸汽朋克气息的乌托邦-皮尔特沃夫和由化学品驱动的地下城-祖安中,蔚和金克丝两姐妹,她们在一场激烈的冲突后发现两个人站在了彼此的对立面。她们从此分开,走上不同的道路,朝着不同的命运终点走去,但心中的羁绊又无时不刻 地让姐妹二人想要破镜重圆