- Set in a parallel universe entering a black hole, a woman reading the book of Revelation has visions of regeneration during Anthropocene.
- Marianne has had enough. She wants a divorce. She and her husband Gustaf stopped having sex a long time ago and she wants to live life at its fullest.
- 《威尼斯商人》是否像一部现代作品?当你在台上看到一群身着当代服装的演员,仿佛过去400年间人性没有任何改变。来自巴以地区的阿拉伯演员马克拉姆·贾米尔·库利以其坚实的演技和身份的复杂性,极具说服力地演绎了夏洛克日常忍受的偏见与不公,促使人们再度审视当下依旧残留的种族、宗教和少数群体问题;奥利弗奖最佳女主角得主帕琪·费伦饰演…
- Five women murdered over five years, and now the responsibility lies to a support officer (Elizabeth) to discover where their bodies are buried. However, her own past haunts her during the investigation through the disappearance of her failed abduction case years before of nine-year-old Sarah.
- 老旧的公寓内,住着孤独的鲍勃叔叔。他的妻子在上一年去世,儿子已经结婚,在小镇的另一端居住。陪伴鲍勃叔叔的只有那条忠诚的小狗,他平日里拉拉小提琴排遣郁闷的心情,或者用精湛的厨艺为自己烹饪美食。那一年,大雪飘然落下,鲍勃叔叔照例清扫门口的积雪。谁知突然一阵剧烈的疼痛袭来,他昏倒在自家门口。当鲍勃叔叔再次醒来,发现自己已经被…