- Twenty years ago, Britain went to war to regain the Falkland Islands. The Falklands Play is a gripping account of how Margaret Thatcher's government handled the biggest crisis in British foreign affairs since Suez. It tells the story of how Argentina - an ally of the British - fought the Conservative government and inv…
- via www.worldscinema.com: A hardboiled story that takes place in a far future when most things are over. What's left is greed, cruelty, sexuality, fire and a tad of poetry. Among the human remains that barely are staying alive is "the investigator" present. A bitter man that resembles characters from our own …
- Tim Samuels explores the rising pervasiveness of pornography, discovers how new technology is changing porn, and questions porn films' reluctance to portray safe sex on screen.
- 电视剧《朱利安·费罗斯破解历史疑案》以独特的历史角度讲述了真正的谋杀谜团,给观众一个亲身观察和解决悬而未决谋杀案的机会,剧情扣人心弦,引人深思。奥斯卡获奖编剧朱利安·费罗斯以独特的历史角度给观众一个亲身观察和解决悬而未决谋杀案的机会。这些令人费解的案件包括:律师查尔斯·布拉沃在1876年死于一种致命的毒药摄入、女佣罗丝·哈…