- 老旧的公寓内,住着孤独的鲍勃叔叔。他的妻子在上一年去世,儿子已经结婚,在小镇的另一端居住。陪伴鲍勃叔叔的只有那条忠诚的小狗,他平日里拉拉小提琴排遣郁闷的心情,或者用精湛的厨艺为自己烹饪美食。那一年,大雪飘然落下,鲍勃叔叔照例清扫门口的积雪。谁知突然一阵剧烈的疼痛袭来,他昏倒在自家门口。当鲍勃叔叔再次醒来,发现自己已经被…
- via www.worldscinema.com: A hardboiled story that takes place in a far future when most things are over. What's left is greed, cruelty, sexuality, fire and a tad of poetry. Among the human remains that barely are staying alive is "the investigator" present. A bitter man that resembles characters from our own …
- The film chronicles the story of the iconic race from its humble origins starting with only 15 runners to the present day. In addition to highlighting the event as the oldest annually contested marathon in the world, the film showcases many of the most important moments in more than a century of the race’s history. Evo…