搜索 Sands

  •   25岁的米娅·霍夫曼在一场审判中作为检方证人为弑警凶手作伪证使其开脱罪责,她为此受尽舆论与白眼。患上未确诊的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)的她因此遭受着极度的焦虑与心理幻觉。为此她向一位英国有名的专攻创伤后应激障碍的心理医师富兰克林·斯帕茨寻求帮助,然而这位医师的妻子最近发生了一场可怕的意外,富兰克林也陷入了心理幻觉。在米娅…
  • 喜剧片
  • The last year of life of the Italian-French painter Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) who died with 36 years, was played by Gérard Philipe, who was lethally sick during the shooting of this movie and died shortly after its release, 1959, with …
  • 动作片动作
    成龙和约翰·塞纳将主演未定名动作惊悚新片,原主演史泰龙已退出,电影名称暂定为《Project X》,斯科特·沃执导。成龙饰演一名中国私人保安承包商,当中国在中东的一家炼油厂遭到袭击时,该承包商被召来营救当地的石油工人,随后他意识到攻击者的真正计划是窃取石油财富,他与 一位前海军陆战队队员合作阻止他们。成龙和Joe Tam、Esmond…
  • 动作片动作
  • ChaosandSilence
    As young musicians Jean and Helena brace for parenthood amidst job insecurities, their lives collide with landlord Klara's enigmatic breakdown. Accepting her offer of rent-free living, they embark on a surreal journey, forming unexpected connections that shape their intertwined destinies.
  • 宝拉真人秀
    犹太裔性感美女歌星出身的Paula Abdul,不仅仅在影视歌娱乐圈名声大噪(American Idol主评审之一),而且在商界也颇有建树,除了推出自己品牌香水,还在时尚界推出自己品牌服装和化妆品。毛小瘦儿 注
  • They have dined together through two series of Supersizers and attempted to live The Good Life. Now Giles Coren and Sue Perkins take their relationship to the next level as they prepare for their very own royal wedding. The pair assume the roles of a modern prince and his princess-to-be as they agonise over every step …
  • 故事发生在18世纪的俄国,修道士拉威(迈克·普莱切科夫 Mikhail Porechenkov 饰)被女王流放到了位于遥远山区的一间破旧修道院中,围绕着这间修道院的,是无数怪力乱神的可怕传说。一晃眼数年过去,因为拉威失联时间太久,女王决定将他召回。女王派出了名为安德鲁(Konstantin Krukov 饰)的年轻人前往山区寻找拉威,虽然对那里的传说略知一二…
  • Dalziel almost witnesses a shooting which two witnesses claim was a beautiful woman trying to commit suicide by shooting herself in the face. He is convinced it is murder. Ironically, Dalziel and his suspect (Philip Swain) are cast in a cathedral mystery play as God and the devil, respectively. A young missing husband,…