搜索 Satiro

  • Little Cars 3 returns to the race track for the most exciting adventures yet! Tony is experiencing problems on and off the race track. Tony accepts a challenge to compete in a drifting competition with Akira -- his girlfriend's old flame. Will Tony learn to stop spinning out of control before the next race? And can Ton…
  • 故事从二战讲起,纳粹占领下的法国,1944年6月10号,党卫军怀疑法国村庄Oradour-sûr-Glane抓住了一个党卫军成员,随即入侵村庄,屠杀村民。642人遇难,包括247名妇女和205名儿童,仅有1名妇女和5名男子侥幸生还。战后十年,弗兰肯地区的农妇玛丽过着表面平静的生活。她和母亲及孩子生活在一起,她的丈夫在战争中被苏联俘获,关押至今。女儿想念…