搜索 Sayaji

  • 这是一个赋有神话色彩的故事,女主人翁Aishwarya (Ileana D'Cruz饰)是一个活泼可爱,但有一点任性姑娘,她不顾父母的反对,私自和自己的朋友一起外出旅行,旅途中遇上了让她讨厌的 Shakti (Jr. NTR饰),这个讨厌鬼,阴魂不散地跟着她和她的朋友们,途中发生了一系列搞笑的故事,虽说讨厌,Aishwarya还是慢慢对这个讨厌鬼产生了好感,直到Sh…
  • Surya (Mahesh Babu) comes to Mumbai with a sole aim to become "Bhai" for the city. He starts his mission by recruiting rowdies for monthly salaries. He eyes Mumbai Police Commissioner's daughter Chitra (Kajal) and loves her. How did he become Bhai and turn out to a big Businessman
  • 拉维是一个正义感十足的青年,他极其崇拜金奈的德瓦拉吉警官,观看德瓦拉吉的访谈,收集德瓦拉吉的报纸,效仿德瓦拉吉的经历,甚至考入了德瓦拉吉曾就读的学校,立誓像德瓦拉吉一样,不用父母一分钱,自己开三轮车来凑齐学费和生活费。当他如愿以偿地当上了三轮车司机,却听闻三轮车车主的女儿即将被当地的暴徒切拉欺辱,为了讨回公道,他暴揍了…
  • Police Inspector Samar Pratap Singh is transferred to Motihari, in the Indian state of Bihar, along with his wife, Manjari and a daughter. He is honest and diligent and these attributes ...
  • Govinda Naam Mera
    The very charming Govinda Waghmare juggles his time and love between his wife Mrs. Waghmare and his girlfriend in this dose of chaos, confusion, and laughter.