- Two unsuccessful filmmakers want to make a pornographic movie, but things go very wrong as their lead actress gets possessed by a demon.
- 2009年萨尔茨堡音乐节以舞台制作的形式,上演亨德尔的清唱剧《西奥多拉》,讲述早期基督教殉难者的故事。该制作在萨尔茨堡节日剧院演出,Ivor Bolton指挥弗赖堡巴洛克乐团,萨尔茨堡巴赫合唱团,由Christof Loy担任舞台导演。
- American Scumbags is the new full length feature by Denver filmmaker Dakota Bailey. The film features three interconnected stories revolving around heroin addicted drug dealer/hitman Johnny (Dakota Bailey), sadistic psychopath convict Billy (Darrien Fawkes) and drug kingpin Chester (Fred Epstein). The film takes the vi…