搜索 Seok

  • Korea's national friend, the bubbly Choi Jadu!The main character of the classics "Jadurella" and "Jadu and Gretel" Jadu is about to take over Fairy Tale World.Choi Jadu went to the amusement park with her parents on Children's Day.She goes on the rides with her siblings until she has to go to the ba…
  • based on the short life of Lee Byeok who was born the son of a general in 1754. He converted to Catholicism and attempted to spread the faith with the help of missionaries from China. King Yong-jo brought an end to this with the extermination of Catholics in Korea, martyring Lee Byeok in 1785
  • Eun-gi's eventful life in a boarding house has begun with the three ladies: a sexy owner of a boarding house, her daughter who is even sexier, and his innocent first love. Eun-gi, a freshman, has found his new place in a boarding house operated by mother and daughter when he came to Seoul to study. His only pleasure is…
  • One day, you fell from the sky. I never knew loving somebody could bring so much happiness. I see the world differently because of you. I am a different person because you live in my heart.
  • A senior in highschool becomes determined to enter a certain university because of her infatuation with a self-centered baseball player who attends there
  • 雍女是朝鲜最性感的女人,论性技与美貌,世上没有女人是她的对手,同时也没有一个男人能够满足她的热烈欲火。雍女的费洛蒙像是爆发的长白山,魅惑了身边所有男人的心智,让他们嗑了再多高丽人参也难逃精尽人亡的淫劫!太过性感的罪刑,就是遭到其他女人的攻讦,雍女被迫离开家乡,孤苦无依的她内心寂寞,直到遇上天赋异禀的奇男子卞岗。
  • 剧情片悬疑
  • 韩国剧剧情
  • 爱豆料理王
  • 残忍的杀戮在露营地展开,这一切源自于一个被诅咒的面具。这副面具辗转穿梭于每个角色,将唤醒他们最深沉的欲望。本片内容涵盖恐怖、性喜剧甚至是音乐剧,将令观众深陷其中。