搜索 Sergej

  • 1944年,贝尔格莱德从德国占领下解放了出来。但是,人们不知道危险在等着他们,因为法西斯在撤退时决定炸毁城市·········
  • 斯大林的逝世和葬礼。Tronfio e retorico come si addice ad un film di propaganda politica quale questo è, "Il grande addio", realizzato da alcuni ottimi registi sovietici su impulso delr egime, offre alcuni spunti di riflessione. Il pri…
  • 赛巴斯蒂安和保罗是两个无趣的16岁左右的青少年,他们喝酒,偷窃,一起去私立学校上学,青春期的他们觉得人生毫无意义。他们绑架了Sonja,并把她关到一个旧的废弃工厂里面,可他们会对她做什么呢?迷茫、恐惧、欲望还有爱正转变为残酷的人身侵犯。这是一部令人不安的、却又极具冲击力的处女作,女导演伊娃之前从未导演过任何影片、也未曾上过电…
  • 《图兰朵》是在历史背景深远,气势磅礡的我们中国的北京紫禁城太庙隆重登场,这是一份巨星云集的现场实况录音。这出歌剧由名导演张艺谋,名指挥大师祖宾梅塔连决合作。这部3幕歌剧据意大利剧作家戈齐(CarloGozzi,1720—1806)的5幕同名寓言剧,由阿达米(Giuseppe Adami)与席莫尼(Renato Simoni)撰脚本,作于1921—1924年,逝世…
  • 珍尼和德拉根在巴黎一间书店相遇。珍尼在那里工作,而德拉根则在找一本关于意大利画家罗塞蒂的书。两人一见钟情就擦出爱火花,但是德拉根并没有告诉珍尼他是个非法偷渡者……
  • Forty-year old Janko is released from prison into the care of his half-brother Novak, owner of the Hotel "Titanic" in Skopje. The same day Novak picks up his wife's sister, Zana, from the psychiatric hospital. Since the mental home has begun to serve as a hide-out for war criminals, there is no longer any roo…
  • Director: Radivoje AndricWriter: Miroslav Momcilovic (writer)Release Date: 30 September 2004 (Slovenia)Genre: ComedyCountry: Serbia and MontenegroLanguage: Serbo-CroatianColor: Colorabout: WHEN I GROW UP I’M GOING TO BE KANGAROO comprises three intertwined stories set in the Belgrade suburb of Vozdovac.In the first, Vo…
  • Former Yugoslavia. 1997. 17 year old VIKO shares a squalid, cramped apartment with his family, all struggling for survival. His only joy is with his girlfriend LILA, and their dream of escaping to London. When his older brother, IVAN, finally offers him some black market work, that dream suddenly seems within reach. En…