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  • 剧情片剧情
  • Romano Scavolini directed this crime drama based on his own screenplay. It tells the story of Martin, an Englishman living in Palermo, earning just enough money to make a living. He's giving lessons to the paralyzed son of a Sicilian mafia boss, and the clan members decide that Martin is an ideal man to be turned into …
  • 剧情片剧情
  • DerKaiservonDeutschland,derKaiservonÖsterreichundderKönigvonSachsenamTagederJubiläumsfeierinDresden
  • Aurora is a pop sensation from a small town in Norway. When she was discovered at the age of 16 she dropped out of school and spent the next years touring the world. At the age of 20 she is at a crossroads. Is this really what she wants? Is there any way to stop?奥罗拉,一个来自挪威小镇的一夜爆红的流行歌手。16岁被经纪公司发掘并由此辍学出道后,她花费数年完成了人生中的第一个…
  • 超级科学伙伴
    为扭转二战战局,英国首相丘吉尔利用时光机,集合史上科学精英组成超级科学战队,他们是——电王特斯拉、镭母居里夫人、迷香魔女塔普提、百变猩君达尔文、恋母狂魔弗洛伊德以及光速小子爱因斯坦。大敌当前,超级不靠谱科学战队穿梭时空雷霆出击,他们的首要任务,是调查英国苹果失踪之谜 !
  • 2008 年布魯塞爾國際獨立電影節最佳亞洲電影及最佳男演員獎2008年Cinemalaya獨立電影節劇情長片評審團特別獎《布魯特斯》是2008年菲律賓Cinemalaya獨立電影節的參展影片,在菲律賓的東民多洛取景,描寫兩個小孩從山上偷運木材販賣的故事。在此過程中,他們看到了一個由貪婪控制的、又被政治利益撕碎的「世界」。