搜索 Sesede

  •   影片以生活在土耳其小城mardin 的铁匠纳扎莱特的平静生活开场,他有贤惠的妻子和一对可爱的双胞胎女儿。然而一战爆发,一天深夜,土耳其警察敲门将他从家中带走,苦难的历程拉开帷幕。在逃脱苦工、饥饿,大屠杀等一系列灾难后,他最终获得自由,并得知一对女儿还活在世上,从此生活的全部目的就是为了找到她们。土耳其到黎巴嫩,古巴再到美…
  • Corinna Kleist is a juvenile court judge who, after a leave of absence following the suicide of a convicted teenager, is appointed to a 'problem area' in Berlin. She now tries harder than ever to change the system in order to prevent troubled kids from being turned into vicious criminals. In the case of 14-year-old Raf…
  • 西班牙男孩路易斯(Fernando Tielve 饰)与男友口角后,独自飞往柏林度假。光怪陆离的柏林处处有派对狂欢。其间他被神秘男子维克托(Marko Mandic 饰)吸引,接下来发生的事却异常诡异——他被认作一个失踪的希腊男孩,而后者正是维克托的前男友。随着越来越多信息浮出水面,一个心惊肉跳的推断让他坐立难安。维克托的性感放纵让他着迷,可他是…
  • The list of predicted dooms days is long and goes back thousands of years, yet the world is still turning like it always has been. But what needs to be done when your friend disappears in fear of the world's end? Marion, a sensationalistic TV-journalist, decides to look for her friend Lucia who disappears after a quarr…