搜索 Sesilia

  • On her wedding night, a young woman conceives a child during an hallucinatory encounter. Several years later, as her friends and family begin to behave strangely, she pieces together clues that lead to one conclusion...her son is the Antichrist!
  • Умирает лучший тамада городка Анара. Его сыну, работающему метеорологом, достается от отца самый большой в Грузии рог. При этом рог может перейти к любому, кто сможет осушить …
  • In the film, most evident talent Tengiz Abuladze to the poetic and philosophical generalization, grows out of ordinary, sometimes comic, sometimes sad but always simple facts of life. The film tells about the life in the Georgian village. And they cover a fairly significant piece of the life heroes: peace in the Great …
  • 官方评选出的格鲁吉亚影史十五佳的第二名,经典的高加索民族传统喜剧,第一名居然也是这个导演的作品,Mimino (1977)。This light comedy is taken from the Claude Tiller novel "My Uncle Benjamin", a family favorite of director Georgi Daneliya. Benjamin (Vakhtang …
  • 一幢年久失修的大楼座落在一条漫长的街上,街上行人稀疏,不时驶去几辆汽车。楼里某出版社的职工们成年累月地例行着每天八小时的工作。 这是一座古朴而又陈旧的建筑。楼内墙壁和顶棚已出现了裂纹,经常往下落石灰,挂在墙上的装饰画框也摇摇欲坠。这个出版社里的职工人数不多,气氛也显得沉闷。油漆工不安心干份内工作,却醉心于坐在编辑室里翻…