搜索 Sevier

  • 喜剧片
    毕业将至,乔丹转学到了拉古娜海滩的高中,但是那里的冲浪高手泰勒根本就看不起乔丹和他的朋友.咽不下这口气的乔丹就发动朋友们一起去哥斯达黎加学习冲浪,但是他们只有一周的时间,而且他们的冲浪老师利普是个酒鬼,整天精神恍惚. 他们能否打败不可一世的泰勒并且名色双收呢?
  • Kelly's life is upended when she wakes up in the hospital with fragments of her memory after a car crash. The only thing she is certain is that the people closest to her, are the very ones she's not sure she can trust: her business partner, her closest friend, and her husband, Dan. Can she find the answers she needs be…
  • Alejandro returns to his home in Puerto Rico, to help his sister Magdalena get her life together. Only to find out from an old acquaintance, Detective Garcia, that Magdalena has gone missing. Led to a bar in old San Juan, he discovers that not only was Magdalena working as an exotic dancer, but she was dating a drug de…
  • In 2030, no one lives past the age of thirty due to Progressive Ageing Syndrome (P.A.S.). A group of highly trained teenagers are attempting to find a cure.
  • 科幻片校园
  • "metamorphosis" is a grab on to your seat thriller that takes us on an unforgettable journey exploring life beyond death through a passionate and dangerous love story between a young American writer and a gorgeous and exotic vampire. Through the power of myth, we uncover the lost details of medieval history a…
  • 本片为电视电影。西点军校以其精辟的校训“责任、荣誉、国家”、高尚的荣誉准则“每个学员决不说谎、欺骗或盗窃,也决不容忍此类行为者”和斐然的教育成就闻名遐迩。但是,在美国国界之外,却很少有人知道西点军校也有许多阴暗面和与其名声极不相称的丑恶行为。1951年秋天,校长办公室收到的一封揭发信,打破了西点军校往日的平静,并在全国掀起…
  • 灵犬莱西第一季
    Widowed veterinarian Karen Cabot and her young son Timmy have moved back to Karen's old home town of Hudson Falls, Vermont, where Karen bought out the practice of elderly Dr. Donald Stewart, the town's vet. Timmy is uncertain of the move and still smarting from his father's recent death. In short order, we are introduc…
  • 剧情片犯罪