搜索 Singo

  • Mrs. Bradley is asked by Insp. Henry Christmas to help investigate the murder of a member of a traveling circus. The woman, who appeared as the human target in the knife throwing act, was stabbed to death and stumbled onto the stage. The police soon arrest the knife thrower but Mrs. Bradley isn't convinced they've got …
  • 影片讲述了 假若一个女人要爱上了一个泰国传统舞蹈老师,他的妻子,他的同事以及他的学生时会发生多疯狂的事,其中到底发生了什么才导致这些事产生。这是一部唯美的泰国电影,具有极强的艺术观赏性,情节构思上不受现实的土壤累赘。
  • The tenants of an old boarding house are terrorized by an evil slumlord. One day a strange man arrives at the house and begins to help them with their problems.
  • Sam Cooke put the spirit of the Black church into popular music, creating a new American sound and setting into motion a chain of events that forever altered the course of popular music and race relations in America. With You Send Me in 1957, Cooke became the first African American artist to reach #1 on both the R&B an…
  • 当你是世界上最具传奇色彩的两大超级英雄的儿子,你这辈子上学就只能有一个选择——上超人学校,一间聚集了世上所有超能力学生的精英学校!不过,问题在于,作为名声在外的超人之子,威尔不知是基因突变还是什么,并不具备一丝天生超能力,可家庭荣誉和压力都让他别无选择。一进超人学校,首先便是经过力量测试进行分班选择。很明显,完全不具备…
  • 非洲某落后的村庄正被一种不明的疾病肆虐, 很多村民无故病死, 致令不少儿童变成孤儿, 人心惶惶. 其中一个受害儿童慕沙, 他为家里生计, 毅然带着少量干粮及父亲遗下的鼓, 孤身上路投靠住在城市里的马祖叔叔. 幸途中得到货车司机李劳比的热心帮助顺利到达约翰内斯堡, 惜未能找到叔叔的下落. 慕沙为糊口尝试四出寻找工作, 惜满街孤儿, 根本无人愿…