搜索 Sirisin

  • 在一个月圆之夜,小女孩Najan 像是中了魔咒一样离开Kamphaeng 的庇护去寻找一个老虎洞穴,然而却在这个洞穴中,她差点惨遭一个老虎人的毒害而死。幸运的是,猎人 Kamsoon 和Najan 的父亲 Jarat 及时地救了她。老虎人濒临死亡之时,已然充满了狂野愤怒。老虎人用她的爪子将自己的血输入到 Najan 体内,但是 Jarat 却在当晚被老虎人所杀。…
  • 剧情片少女
    少女柳宝柏(Laila Boonyasak 饰)的童年一片黑暗,她自幼遭受继父侵犯,心中留下无法愈合的伤口。长大后,她对所有男人都心怀戒备,没人能走入她的内心世界。直到某天,富家公子戴家邦(Krit Sripoomseth 饰)的出现改变了这一切。在家邦的疯狂追求之下,宝柏的感情防线最终崩溃,她陷入热恋之中。然而,家邦的追求不过是无聊所致,在宝柏怀孕…
  • When Tum (Lalita Panyopas) gets laid off from her secretarial job during the opening moments of Pen-Ek Ratanaruang's 6ixtynin9 (Ruang talok 69), it doesn't take long for things to go from bad to worse. A mysterious package is inadvertently left in front of the door of her Bangkok apartment containing $25,000, and in sh…
  • Father Ananda, an ex-cop Buddhist monk investigates a murder after a homeless youth is murdered in the grounds of his monastery. With the help of an orphaned boy named Jak, Ananda travels the canals of the city to unravel the clues and catch the killer.