搜索 Skuratov

  • Teenage girl, Lyuba, lives in a rural boarding school and believes she is an orphan, but accidentally finds out that she has a father who killed her mother and got into a jail 15 years ago. For a girl who grew up in heavy conditions of an orphanage the revenge is a clear decision. She manages to have a gun and do every…
  • 这部影片的主人公是苏联国内战争时期被称为“乌克兰的夏伯阳”的军事家肖尔斯。影片描写这位年轻骁勇的乌克兰统帅多年来驰骋沙场、屡建奇功的事迹。肖尔斯带领队伍不断抗击入侵乌克兰的各种敌人。骁勇善战,但最初只凭勇气和对敌人的憎恨去进行战斗,以至遭受过不少挫折。在革命觉悟较高的波仁科的帮助下,肖尔斯的部队成为纪律严明的乌克兰第一…