- 春假,为了赚得购入动画 BD 而打工的阿宅安艺伦也在樱花飞舞的道路上遇到了某个少女,对该少女感兴趣的伦也更以她为模特儿制作了相关的同人游戏,一个月後,该少女成为了他的同班同学。为了制作游戏,伦也陆续找了美术部王牌来负责插画,学年第一名的学姐来写作剧本,一行人以Comike为目标开始进行相关的游戏制作。
- 表面看来,安艺伦也(松冈祯丞 配音)只是一个平凡的少年,实际上,他还有另一重身份——同人游戏社团“Blessing software”的制作人。一次偶然中,伦也邂逅了名为加藤惠(安野希世乃 配音)的可爱女孩,发现了加藤惠独特魅力的伦也,决定让她成为自己制作的GAL游戏的女主角。 伦也的青梅竹马,拥有校园精英和邋遢家里蹲双重面目的英梨梨(大…
- Mimicking the hyperbolic rhetoric of today’s copyright cops, Hollywood Burn pits a righteous league of video pirates against the evil tyrant Moses and his Copyright Commandments. Determined to alter the present by changing the past, the pi…
- The film tells the story of Sodabuddi, who spends his life wastefully. He has two romantic encounters and the audience gets to relive these tales, until the climax throws in a complete surprise.
- A wealthy businessman is killed in a bombing raid during the Korean War. He had previously secreted his money away to keep it safe during the invasion and only the daughter of a mountain ranger knows its location. She is kidnapped by gangsters and forced to reveal its hiding place before making a desperate bid for free…