- They call him The Sniffer. He's the proud owner of an extraordinarily acute sense of smell. He can detect things about you that you desperately want to conceal. He'll find that needle in the haystack. Don't ever doubt his extraordinary skills! But the truth is that his sense of smell is as much a curse as it is a gift.…
- CHAAW - Five interconnected stories highlighting victims of injustice. China, Hector, Africa, Ardnas and Wesley.(CHAAW) These are the stories of victims of Injustice in America. The effect of injustice not only impacts the individuals but also their families and community. The stories are narrated by the legendary &quo…
- Hailing from Krakow, one of the most distinctive creators in the history of Polish cinematography, Wojciech Jerzy Has is the hero of the documentary Description Found Years Later (dir. Sławomir Rogowski, Stanisław Zawiśliński).
- A touching story about a 12-year-old girl living with her mother in a small riverside town, the older the girl becomes the more amazing and bizarre the world round her grows. she falls in love for the first time. in an attempt to retain that tender and fragile feeling ada learns to forgive, believe and make grown-up de…
- In a Swedish newspaper, a social worker from Stockholm described how he often receives messages in the middle of the night from the young offenders he supervises. Their question is always the same: “Why can’t I sleep?” They are not alone; in our “attention economy” about 30 percent of people now suffer from insomnia. H…
- Robert Klein is looking for his step-brother, Emanuel, whom he has met only once. Robert visits two companies that have dispatched his brother somewhere in Europe – a Japanese firm that hunts eels and a US trust that conducts illegal probing for methane-mining operations. Robert finds out that his step-brother is succe…
- Merjem-Meri, an unambitious, 30-year-old homemaker and mother to 8-year-old girl Mila, moves back to her parental home after 10 years of marriage. Soon after, Meri realizes she is stuck in a circle of provincial rules and expectations and a complex relationship with her ambitious mother and spoiled younger brother. Her…