搜索 Stanis

  • based on Boleslaw Prus' short story.
  • An old man escapes from a retirement home to impersonate a man who has died in his arms and told him he never went home to his new bride after the first World War. The old woman is suspicious at first but then lets him stay. The townspeople begin to talk but he wins them over even if they feel he does not look like the…
  • 本片为《胡斯党三部曲》(Hussite trilogy)完结篇。是由奥塔卡·瓦夫拉(Otakar Vavra,著名导演,1963年后任布拉格电影学院教授,早年参加“左翼阵线”,属于受当局信任的“老同志”,南斯拉夫大导演库斯图里卡的恩师)导演。扬·胡斯,15世纪要求宗教改革的新教传教士,后被提天主教会烧死,他的信徒们之后掀起了长达十八年的宗教战争。
  • 青春喜剧片。马丁Pavelka,绰号矮子,随着他的同班同学Paulinka决定调和与他的未婚妻祖扎娜他顽固的兄弟奇闻趣事......
  • Criticism of the system tended to be oblique prior to 1968, when the reform Communism of the Prague Spring effectively abolished censorship but continued to fund its filmmakers. Nonetheless, there were some powerful works even before this. A director of the older generation, Ladislav Helge (b. 1927), made some strong i…
  • Stanislaw Lenartowicz是波兰电影学院派中另一位重要的导演,这部影片改编自孔维茨基比较悔涩难懂的一本小说,混合了先锋电影的一些剪辑手法,与诗意社会写实主义风格的影像。I have to admit that I know the real story behind the interview with Stanislaw Lenartowicz conducted by Adam Wyz…
  • Jerzy Kawalerowicz的首部剧情长片。http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jerzy_Kawalerowiczhttp://ent.sina.com.cn/m/f/2008-01-02/09171859377.shtml1951 GROMADA / THE VILLAGE MILL (director and screenwriter with Kazimierz Sumerski). A conflict between smal…
  • 有人让伊戈尔送封信到一个地方,但是当他到了目的地后,诡异又神秘的事儿开始发生....
  • 62年嘎纳金棕榈提名。The story is set in a smalltime circus. On the edge of failure, the show is further endangered by a new mime who almost wrecks the operation by destroying the other performers' faith in their talents. All the ambiance of an …
  • 安德烈(斯坦尼斯拉夫·柳布申 Stanislav Lyubshin 饰)是一名哲学教师,他的脑海里塞满了高深莫测的哲学思想,因为整日沉迷与这些思想之中,安德烈的行为显得有些疯疯癫癫的,虽然所有人都当安德烈是异类,可唯独他自己觉得自己正常的很。安德烈有一位熟识的医生好友,在聚会中,医生建议安德烈去乡下好好的休养生息,与此同时,一封来自故乡的…