搜索 Steenburgen

  •   1969年夏天,阿波羅14即將發射,寫下歷史性的一頁,眾人都為它祈求好運,時間也開始倒數計時。但是這並不是唯一將展開的旅程,性格散漫的教授華盛頓(泰德丹森,「小鬼出招」、「搶救雷恩大兵」)有個特別的任務,他要開著他49年的經典龐帝克,進行一趟父子之旅,他們要在太空梭發射的同時出發,從所在地加州開往愛達荷州的一處天然火山口;…
  • 匿名博客后的第二天STR-SD希望受欢迎的女孩会死,露西就消失了。 SoundView的高的学生都害怕和担心。特别是害怕陷入了深深的内疚是麦迪逊射手,露西的朋友,看到她的最后一个人的晚上,她就消失了。麦迪逊开始收到匿名警告说,她可能是下一个音符。绝望解开这个谜,在别人之前消失,麦迪逊将泰勒,一个有吸引力的,但神秘的,新的学生,但她相信…
  • A man begins to have disturbing visions of dead people, among whom are his mother and victims of a local serial killer. The detective investigating the murders looks to him for help in solving the case.
  • 克莱姆不满丈夫乔治只顾工作,却因顾及孩子一直维护着这段婚姻。终于,女儿结婚了,老两口也决定结束多年的婚姻。但是在分手前,夫妻俩决定再次旅行。乔治驾驶着汽车驶进森林,一场不期而至的暴风雪将两个人困住,接下去的6天是他们平生最艰难的旅程,而他们却从相濡以沫中感受到对方的温暖……
  • 夜色温柔
  • 天国的女儿第一季
    Millions of people speak to God. What if God spoke back? Life just got a hell of a lot more confusing for teenage Joan Girardi, who already deals with feeling out of place in her family : her police chief father, her somewhat overbearing mother, her geeky younger brother and former football star older brother, now para…
  • It is now summer in the Parker family and the usual number of events is happening in their separate lives. Ralphie is searching for the perfect top to use to beat the school bully, the Old Man is in battle with their hillbilly neighbors (the Bumpuses) while eagerly awaiting the discovery of the perfect fishing spot, an…
  • 欧美剧
    Millions of people speak to God. What if God spoke back? Life just got a hell of a lot more confusing for teenage Joan Girardi, who already deals with feeling out of place in her family : her police chief father, her somewhat overbearing mother, her geeky younger brother and former football star older brother, now para…